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Umfundalai Community Master Class

Dancing the Rhythm: African Dance and Drumming



Dancing the Rhythm: African Dance and Drumming

In Partnership with The Natural Movers Foundation and Livin the Rhythm

Come join us as we dance to the rhythmic vibration of the drum. This session will include both an Umfundalai (African) dance workshop led by Ericka Squire and a rhythmic drumming workshop led by Abasi Hanif. All ages are welcome.

Suggested attire: a lapa (a piece of fabric that can be worn around the waist) or shakatoes (loosely fitted pants)

This master class will be held during the Juneteenth event at the Norton Museum of Art and within the Great Hall.


Umfundalai is a contemporary African dance technique that comprises its movement vocabulary from dance traditions throughout the Diaspora. The literal word, Umfundalai, means “essential” in Kiswahili.  Much like  Katherine Dunham, the late Kariamu Welsh, D. Arts, Umfundalai’s progenitor, has designed a stylized movement practice that seeks to articulate an essence of African – oriented movement or as she has described, “an approach to movement that is wholistic, body centric and organic.” 

Save the Date
June 17, 2023

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